Bringing the Basin to Brisbane

24 November 2023


Last week the Parliamentary Friends of Resources Co-Chairs Brittany Lauga Member for Keppel and Trevor Watts Member for Toowoomba hosted a Friends of Resources Cocktail Reception under the banner ‘Bring the (Lake Eyre) Basin to Brisbane’.

Sponsored by Australian Energy Producers and Santos, the event recognised the Basin as one of the state’s pristine river systems and highlights how activities are conducted in a safe and environmentally sustainable way.

Guests included Councillor Stuart McKenzie, Mayor of Quilpie Shire, Traditional Owners from the Wongkumara people and other community members.

As Australian Energy Producers’ Queensland Director Keld Knudsen explained, the gas sector is responsibly developing vital energy resources (gas and liquid fuels), while making a positive and lasting impact in the community.

“Continued responsible development in this regions will help secure Queensland’s energy security, improve regional economic diversification and supply products that are vital to Queensland homes and businesses,” he said.

“Restrictions on these in demand products could needlessley increase cost-of-living pressures to Queenslanders. Did you know that in addition to natural gas, the region also produces vital liquid fuels? Including nearly 17 Million Gas BBQ Bottles worth of LPG every year.”

“I have been fortunate enough to visit the Lake Eyre Basin on several occasions, and it really is a region that you must visit to appreciate. The scale of the landscape is immense and you need to experience that scale to appreciate how responsible operations can sustainably fit into it.”

Gas was also to the fore at Parliament House, with the amazing beef served at the event being also sourced from the Basin - and cooked perfectly by the parliamentary kitchens.

“It was a great analogy as to how agriculture and gas development can coexist on the plate and in the paddock,” Mr Knudsen said.